The hair band test
What’s your hair type? Do you know about porosity? Do you need protein? Have you done the glass of water strand test? Trying to determine the best way to take care of our curls can feel overwhelming.
We’ve been bombarded with ‘advice’ since the natural hair industry took hold. But we are here to cut through the noise, because it turns out you do not need to know your ‘hair type’ 'or guess whether or not protein is required, or drop a strand of your hair into a glass of water to know which products you need.
When you’re trying to care for your hair it can feel like a minefield, we know. Which product, and where to start? We’re taking things back to the simplest level: how do you know which product to use?
You just need a hair band. This shows you exactly which product to use and why:
Ask yourself: how easy is it to do this?
Many of us with Afro and curly hair believe our hair is very thick just because it is ‘big’ and it does not lie flat. That is not the case. It is the thickness of hair strands (how easily they are collected into a pony tail), which determines the product you need for hydrated, beautiful curls every single time.
Fine Afro hair needs Eight, our lightest leave-in, thin curly hair needs Eight. Thick, even straight very thick waves love Ten pro, our richest hair conditioner formulated for very thick hair.
Things have been confused by the internet and misinformation. But that stops now. We’re here.
Looking for more advice? Peruse our how to use posts